See front page posts for information on K&H #4 Permit Application Public Meeting, comment submission info, and talking points!
Local business restaurant owners weigh in on K&H #4 permit application: C Hughes comments at Athens County Commissioners hearing on K&H 4th inj well 12-18-18; Bob O’Neill comments re K&H 4 permit app aPATT033024, 12-19-18
H Cantino comments with citations – K&H 4 permit app aPATT033024 (providing references to research conclusions cited in oral comments) 12-18-18
New NRDC report: Ohio Communities Are Becoming a Dumping Ground for the Fracking Industry 12-3-18
The Human Right toWater and Unconventional Energy: Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 1858;, published 8-28-18. Among the many important contributions of this research is the following:
“The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection disclosed details of 243 cases in which fracking companies were found by state regulators to have contaminated private drinking water wells in the last four years [78 ]. In a much delayed survey of existing scientific literature on this topic (not a new data set), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency found ‘scientific evidence that hydraulic fracturing activities can impact drinking water resources under some circumstances. The report identifies certain conditions under which impacts from hydraulic fracturing activities can be more frequent or severe:
_ Water withdrawals for hydraulic fracturing in times or areas of low water availability, particularly in areas with limited or declining groundwater resources;
_ Spills during the handling of hydraulic fracturing fluids and chemicals or produced water that result in large volumes or high concentrations of chemicals reaching groundwater resources;
_ Injection of hydraulic fracturing fluids into wells with inadequate mechanical integrity, allowing gases or liquids to move to groundwater resources;
_ Injection of hydraulic fracturing fluids directly into groundwater resources;…(p. 24)
Injection well facility explosion in Oklahoma severely burns one and injures two others. Secondary explosions produce fires of semi-trucks and a trailer. (July 22, 2018) One man, who received burns and severe injuries on 40% of his upper body, is suing Baker-Hughes.
Study finds earthquakes continue for years after gas field wastewater injection stops: reporting on Paul O. Ogwari et al, The Dallas-Fort Worth Airport Earthquake Sequence: Seismicity Beyond Injection Period, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (2018). DOI: 10.1002/2017JB015003: The sequence of quakes began in 2008, and wastewater injection was halted in 2009. But earthquakes continued for at least seven more years. “This tells us that high-volume injection, even if it’s just for a short time, when it’s near a critically stressed fault, can induce long-lasting seismicity,” said SMU seismologist Paul O. Ogwari, who developed a unique method of data analysis that yielded the study results. The earthquakes may be continuing even now, said Ogwari, whose analysis extended through 2015.
Documents show undisclosed EPA health concerns on fracking chemicals. Marketplace, 11-17
Characterization of the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing fluids for wells located in the Marcellus Shale Play. Huan Chen and Kimberly E. Carter, J of Environ Management 200 (2017) 312-324. From the abstract: “…This paper investigated the chemicals introduced into the hydraulic fracturing fluids for completed wells located in Pennsylvania and West Virginia from data provided by the well operators. The results showed a total of 5071 wells, with average water volumes of 5,383,743 ± 2,789,077 gal (mean ± standard deviation). A total of 517 chemicals were introduced into the formulated hydraulic fracturing fluids. Of the 517 chemicals listed by the operators, 96 were inorganic compounds, 358 chemicals were organic species, and the remaining 63 cannot be identified. Many toxic organics were used in the hydraulic fracturing fluids. Some of them are carcinogenic, including formaldehyde, naphthalene, and acrylamide. The degradation of alkylphenol ethoxylates would produce more toxic, persistent, and estrogenic intermediates. Acrylamide monomer as a primary degradation intermediate of polyacrylamides is carcinogenic…”
Akob, D.M, et al, Wastewater Disposal from Unconventional Oil and Gas Development Degrades Stream Quality at a West Virginia Injection Facility, Environ. Sci. Technol., pub 09 May 2016 DOI:10.1021/acs.est.6b00428. From the abstract: “In June 2014, waters collected downstream from the site had elevated specific conductance (416 CS/cm) and Na, Cl, Ba, Br, Sr and Li concentrations, compared to upstream, background waters (conductivity, 74 CS/cm). Elevated TDS, a marker of UOG wastewater, provided an early indication of impacts in the stream. Wastewater inputs are also evident by changes in stream water adjacent to the disposal facility. Sediments downstream from the facility were enriched in Rad and had high bioavailable Fe(III) concentrations relative to upstream sediments. Microbial communities in downstream sediments had lower diversity and shifts in composition. Although the hydrologic pathways were not able to be assessed, these data provide evidence demonstrating that activities at the disposal facility are impacting a nearby stream and altering the biogeochemistry of nearby ecosystems.”
And another study on the endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) found at this site at levels known to result in adverse health effects: Christopher D. Kassotis, et al. Endocrine disrupting activities of surface water associated with a West Virginia oil and gas industry wastewater disposal site. Science of the Total Environment ,557–558 (2016) 901–910. Research highlights:
- Oil and gas wastewater disposal may increase endocrine disrupting activity in water.
- Tested EDC activity in surface water near oil and gas wastewater injection site.
- Water downstream had significantly more EDC activity than reference water upstream.
- Downstream surface water antagonized five different nuclear hormone receptors.
- EDC activity downstream was above levels known to result in adverse health effects.
Yet another explosion of an injection well facility, sparked by lightning. 5-16
Jan. 2016: New research published: “A systematic evaluation of chemicals in hydraulic-fracturing fluids and wastewater for reproductive and developmental toxicity,” Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology (2016), 1–10):
Abstract: We systematically evaluated 1021 chemicals identified in hydraulic- fracturing fluids (n = 925), wastewater (n = 132), or both (n = 36) for potential reproductive and developmental toxicity to triage those with potential for human health impact. We searched the REPROTOX database using Chemical Abstract Service registry numbers for chemicals with available data and evaluated the evidence for adverse reproductive and developmental effects. Next, we determined which chemicals linked to reproductive or developmental toxicity had water quality standards or guidelines. Toxicity information was lacking for 781 (76%) chemicals. Of the remaining 240 substances, evidence suggested reproductive toxicity for 103 (43%), developmental toxicity for 95 (40%), and both for 41 (17%). Of these 157 chemicals, 67 had or were proposed for a federal water quality standard or guideline. Our systematic screening approach identified a list of 67 hydraulic fracturing- related candidate analytes based on known or suspected toxicity.
Columbus Dispatch profiles the new Torch activist group, Torch Can Do!, and their fight to expose the dangers of the injection wells proliferating in SE Ohio. Unfortunately, the Dispatch omitted much information shared by the activists, including the lack of monitoring of injection wells by Ohio and the lack of aquifer mapping in SE Ohio. If injection well permitting in Ohio were subject to USEPA standards, this lack of mapping would prevent siting. 12-15
Ohio groups worried about injection wells and earthquakes 9-15
Athens County Commissioners testing drinking water wells around county injection well sites. 9-10-15
Torch OH Residents Organize Sept. 3, 2015:
Concerned citizens gathered in Coolville Thursday evening to express their concerns with area injection wells. There is an operation just three miles north, next to the Torch rest stop on Route 50.
More than 30 citizens came together in the second meeting of Concerned Coolville Citizens. They heard State Representative (D) Debbie Phillips and Bern Township Trustee Roxanne Groff explain what current legislation lacks to control injection wells in southeast Ohio.
Every citizen shared a concern, or a horror tale of how the operation has impacted their lives. more…
Injection well explosion June 26, 2015. Although the report says “no one was injured,” they obviously aren’t counting those who may breathe this air over coming days. – Oklahoma City, OK – News, Weather, Video and Sports |
FACTSHEET: Class II Injection Wells Should be Banned (footnoted) 1-15
New Earthworks report: Wasting Away: Four states’ failure to manage oil and gas waste in the Marcellus and Utica Shale 4-2-15
Some of the key findings from the Ohio-specific Earthworks report summary: “Even as shale gas development surges in Ohio, the state has done little to strengthen regulations and procedures related to waste management. HB59, passed in 2013, directed ODNR to adopt rules for waste storage and disposal—but critical regulations have still not been put forward for public review and adoption. As a result, operators and disposal facilities have wide discretion to decide whether waste is contaminated and how to dispose of it…
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) and Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) do not track or report volumes, origins, or destinations of solid waste (e.g., drill cuttings, muds, and fracturing sand).
Draft regulations do not include standards or limits related to waste storage and treatment methods, volumes, or chemical parameters, nor specify any practices (e.g., reserve pit burial or brine evaporation) that would be prohibited.
Ohio doesn’t require operators to conduct chemical testing of drill cuttings disposed of at well sites or verify that they are “uncontaminated” according to the law. State agencies only recommend that landfills obtain documentation from operators about the content of waste.
No public information is available on the number, location, or use of pits and impoundments. Ohio doesn’t have specific requirements for the construction and use of pits and impoundments. Draft changes to related regulations only request that operators use “sound engineering design and construction, and commonly accepted industry practices.”
In 2014, ODNR issued authorizations for 23 waste facilities to process oil and gas field waste using “Chief’s Orders” that circumvent public notification requirements and local government review. Even though companies in Ohio are pursuing projects to repurpose drill cuttings and other waste, Ohio doesn’t have any regulations on the “beneficial use” of oil and gas field waste.
Operators are prohibited from disposing of Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (TENORM) waste at well sites and disposal facilities have limits on concentrations of radioactive elements. But such rules don’t apply to drill cuttings or brine, which can go into landfills with no testing because ODNR defines as them as Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM). This distinction makes disposal easier for operators but creates environmental risks. Nor does Ohio require radiation detectors at solid waste facilities.
Nearly all of Ohio’s produced water and fluid waste is disposed of in the state’s underground injection wells. Between 2011 and 2014, the volume of waste injected underground increased by 75%. Ohio does not require operators to test or disclose the chemicals in its waste prior to injection.
Ohio does not have procedures or requirements in place to verify that “brine” spread on roads for de-?icing and dust suppression is produced water, not flowback. The state’s definition of brine includes flowback water from hydraulic fracturing.”
New study concludes commonly used testing methods may underestimate the total radioactivity of liquid waste produced by Marcellus fracking wells. Environmental Health Perspectives, 4-15
4.0 M earthquake strikes close to o&g operation near Guthrie OK. 3-8-15
2.1 M earthquake strikes near injection well in SE Ohio, approximately 4 mi. east of Marietta, picked up by local seismic monitors. “‘There are some naturally occurring faults in the area. There is some injection well activity in that area,” according to an Ohio Department of Natural Resources’ spokesperson. Why would ODNR allow injection wells near faults? 3-5-15
3.8 m. earthquake struck 1400′ from injection well in KS, following 4.8m quake in Nov. at same location 3-2-15
High level of benzene found in frackwaste: LA Times 2-15
Complete coverage of ACFAN press release on the 198 comments opposing the K&H3 injection well application: 1-22-15
Great coverage of Athens County Commissioners’ December 30 meeting on the K&H3 injection well permit application. The meeting was the result of ACFAN’s request to the Commissioners to host a public meeting, given the timing of the public comment period over the holidays. At least 120 people attended the meeting. Dozens spoke, all opposed to the well. An audio recording of the meeting was submitted by the Commissioners to ODNR along with their own comments and those of citizens who requested the Commissioners report their opposition to the well.
New research indicates “that discharge and accidental spills of OGW [oil and gas waste] to waterways pose risks to both human health and the environment.” Harkness, et al. Iodide, Bromide, and Ammonium in Hydraulic Fracturing and Oil and Gas Wastewaters: Environmental Implications. Environmental Science and Technology, 2015.
See front page post on K&H3 permit application. 12-14. Happy New Year. Many excellent comments submitted to ODNR on this application. Here are a few: Bernhard Debatin: K&H3 comments; R Groff comments K&H#3, Athens Conservancy K&H3 comments (no maps)
Tributary of New River contaminated by injection well upstream, according to Duke University researchers. 12-25-14. Merry Christmas.
Meigs County frackwaste injection well being permitted — a conversion of an old production well. 12-14
Propublica: Injection Wells, the Hidden Risks of Pumping Waste Underground
“Fracking Waste Puts Americans’ Drinking Water at Risk,” NRDC’s Amy Mall discusses July GAO report, 7-14
Attorney Terry Lodge’s comments with legal arguments on GreenHunter barge dock proposal: TLodge Comments to Corps 7-28-14 with sign-ons. We WON a bargedock comment extension! — to Aug. 24. Thanks to ACFAN local efforts, multi-state coalition outreach, and a Food and Water Watch alert, close to four thousand people called on US Corps to conduct a public hearing and authorize an Environmental Impact Statement on GreenHunter’s private frackwaste barge dock facility proposed for Meigs County. Pdf of model comments here and of abbreviated ones here. 8-25-14
ACFAN appeal of the K&H2 permit moves on to Franklin County Court of Common Pleas following the state Oil and Gas Commission’s decision not to grant ACFAN’s appeal. ACFAN’s attorney, Richard Sahli, stated, “The Oil & Gas Commission essentially said it was deferring to the DNR’s decision on how it issues permits on these facilities and that these important permits can never be appealed by anyone across the state. The Commission never considered whether DNR acted lawfully in this regard. ACFAN will be seeking a decision on DNR’s compliance with its own regulations in this appeal.” 6-14
ACFAN and Appalachia Resist! file complaint with USEPA, call on federal intervention in Ohio injection well program. 6-14
Waste injected in Ohio in 2013:
Total waste injected= 16,354,784 bbls or 686,900,928 gallons
From in-state: 8,076,820 bbls. Out of state: 8,277,964 bbls
Top 10 receiving county’s bbls (each barrel is 42 gallons):
Trumbull |
2,367,037 |
Portage |
1,976,299 |
Washington |
1,582,069 |
Noble |
1,387,789 |
Coshocton |
1,285,069 |
Guernsey |
1,231,762 |
Athens |
699,221 |
Ashtabula |
632,691 |
Stark |
607,698 |
Muskingum |
453,710 |
As of 3-3-14 Ohio had 234 permitted Class II injection wells with 202 active.
Review of radioactivity and toxicity of Marcellus frackwaste, which is mostly coming to Ohio, Tracy Carluccio, Delaware Riverkeeper Network, 2012
ACFAN files complaint in Franklin County Court of Appeals against ODNR for public records 3-20-14
ACFAN Public Records Complaint 3-14, filed in Franklin County Court of Appeals against ODNR for withholding public records requested January 16, 2014.
New peer-reviewed research: Oil and gas wells and their integrity: Implications for shale and unconventional resource exploitation, Davies, R. et al., Marine and Petroleum Geology, in press, 2014. Findings have implications for injection wells as well, since there would be no reason that they would experience greater integrity:
“Of the 8030 wells targeting the Marcellus shale inspected in Pennsylvania between 2005 and 2013, 6.3% of these have been reported to the authorities for infringements related to well barrier or integrity failure. In a separate study of 3533 Pennsylvanian wells monitored between 2008 and 2011, there were 85 examples of cement or casing failures, 4 blowouts and 2 examples of gas venting.”
The article also notes that Ohio has Ohio 9500 unplugged orphaned wells and plans to plug 524 of them. Orphaned wells provide channels for movement of methane, frack fluids, and waste. Many of these are unmapped. Ohio does not monitor active, plugged, or abandoned wells for potential water contamination. Even plugged wells can become conduits, since the plugging is often unsound, especially historically and due to low Ohio standards. Note that the 9500 figure is probably a vast underestimate based on these numbers: the Ohio RBDMS database shows that Ohio has had at least 265,902 wells with around 70,000 operating wells. From 1965 – 2013, 41,928 wells were plugged, according to ODNR. Subtracting (~70k + 42k) from ~266k leaves more than 150,000 wells unaccounted for.
Bob Fitrakis on Ohio regulators’ inaction on radioactivity in frack waste 2-20-14
ACFAN Files Countermotion, Calls Shame on Kasich Collusion with O&G Industry, Calls out Kasich on Parks Statement Ploy. Published also at (Akron Beacon Journal) 2-19-14. Front page Athens Messenger coverage here, 2-20-14
ACFAN Brief Opposing Motion to Dismiss, executed, O&G Comm. 2-19-14 Athens group appeals Ohio approval of new injection well 1-9-14
ACFAN files notice of appeal of K&H2 permit. 1-8-14
Torch area residents voice concerns over permit. WTAP, Parkersburg 12-17-13
Athens City Council votes unanimously to oppose permitting of the K&H2 injection well based on health and safety concerns, especially given recent seismic activity in the area and the inability of concrete to guarantee well integrity in an earthquake. 12-2-13
See ACFAN front page posts on USGS data uncertainty on Athens quake, ODNR misinformation, (and here), and Athens County Commissioners’ Nov. 27 letter to ODNR calling for a moratorium on K&H permitting and a complete seismic study of the region around the K&H site.
More than 150 earthquakes shake Oklahoma in one week, according to Oklahoma Geological Survey. OK quakes have been linked in the scientific literature to injection and fracking wells (see below) . 2-18-14
Swarms of Earthquakes Shake Up Shale Gas Fields: an article on quakes and associations with fracking, injection wells, and oil/gas extraction around the globe. 1-14
The following peer-reviewed papers present recent research on injection and seismicity, including 1) the lack of adequate monitoring, reporting technology, and ability to accurately locate and characterize quakes <2M, 2) patterns in fluid-induced quakes that contradict ODNR statements, including the depth of injection that can induce quakes, and 3) indications that volume of injected fluids may not limit the mainshock magnitude and/or cumulative release (#1, below):
1. Sumy, D. F., E. S. Cochran, K. M. Keranen, M. Wei, and G. A. Abers, Observations of static Coulomb stress triggering of the November 2011 M5.7 Oklahoma earthquake sequence, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 119, March 2014. From conclusion: “Our findings suggest that the volume of fluid injection may not limit the mainshock magnitude and/or cumulative moment release, as McGarr [2014] previously suggested. Static Coulomb stress changes due to Event A are consistent with triggering of Event B, which suggests that fluid induced events such as the M5.0 foreshock in Oklahoma, can trigger larger events if a nearby fault is critically stressed. This key, but not unexpected, observation has implications for estimating seismic hazard from injection. “
2. Katie M. Keranen et al., “Potentially induced earthquakes in Oklahoma, USA: Links between wastewater injection and the 2011 Mw 5.7 earthquake sequence,” Geology, vol. 41(6), pp. 699–702, June 2013
3. Cliff Frohlich, Michael Brunt, “Two-year survey of earthquakes and injection/production wells in the Eagle Ford Shale, Texas, prior to the MW4.8 20 October 2011 earthquake,” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 379, pp. 56–63 (2013). [Areas of Texas that had never experienced earthquakes have had numerous ones tied to oil production and waste injection, the most recent being over 20 in November, 2013. An update on continuing Texas earthquake swarm here.]
4. William L. Ellsworth, “Injection-Induced Earthquakes,” Science, vol. 341 (July 2013)
5. Nicholas J. van der Elst, et al., “Enhanced Remote Earthquake Triggering at Fluid-Injection Sites in the Midwestern United States,” Science vol. 341 (2013)
USGS on recent increase in seismicity in central and eastern US: “The number of earthquakes has increased dramatically over the past few years within the central and eastern United States. More than 300 earthquakes above a magnitude 3.0 occurred in the three years from 2010-2012, compared with an average rate of 21 events per year observed from 1967-2000….USGS scientists have found that at some locations the increase in seismicity coincides with the injection of wastewater in deep disposal wells.” The article goes on to address the research supporting links between injection and quakes. 1-17-14
Devon “Produced water” MSDS: Note the widely contradictory information on toxicity based on when hazards are exempted from classification as hazardous and under what circumstances they’re not.
Civil disobedience to block toxic trespassing in Youngstown 11-24-13
Athens Conservancy comments to County Commissioners 11-19-13
Dr. Deb Cowden Testimony to Athens Co Commissioners 11-19-13
Anne Rubin Comments to County Commissioners 11-19-13
Talking points: Injection Wells 101 and Why USEPA must revoke Ohio’s authority over Class II injection wells.
Athens County Commissioners announce public meeting on injection wells and K&H2 application in response to ACFAN request. Meeting will be held Nov. 19, 7-9 p.m., at the Athens Community Center. Talking points: Injection Wells 101 and Why USEPA must revoke Ohio’s Authority over Class II Injection Wells.
Athens County Commissioners adopt resolution calling on ODNR to shut down Ginsburg injection well: Ginsburg Injection Well Resolution.
Athens area residents provided testimony, being submitted by Buckeye Forest Council and allies to USEPA Region 5, documenting extremely negligent and dangerous management by ODNR of its Injection Well (UIC) program. The testimony calls on USEPA to take away ODNR’s primacy or control of the UIC program. Some key testimony:
H Cantino testimony to USEPA Region 5, 9-22-13
R Groff Testimony for USEPA re audit of ODNR UIC Program 9-13
Jane Jacobs USEPA UIC letter 9-13
Athens County Commissioners, State Senator Lou Gentile, and State Rep. Debbie Phillips request public hearing on K&H2 mega-well permit application. Over 100 comments submitted to ODNR.
K&H Partners Permit [sic] Athens County — injection well permit application. Comments were due by 9-9-13. See front page post for details.
K&H2 permit app model comments 9-6-13.
Support Ohio House Bill 148 and Senate Bill 278 injection well ban legislation introduced by Rep. Denise Driehaus and Rep. Robert Hagan and Senator Mike Skindell. Here’s why: Ohio Injection wells – Did You Know? Write your state legislator and urge support of HB 148 and SB 178 to end injection of highly toxic, radioactive waste in Ohio communities. Injection wells are basically just holes in the ground. All wells eventually corrode and leak. Class II wells are not built to receive hazardous waste. They are not monitored for leakage and contamination of water supplies. (Even Class 1 hazardous waste wells in Ohio have leaked.)
Ecowatch on Ohio legislation 5-13
New report documents radioactivity in frack waste coming into Ohio 6-13
Cincinnati City Council, Athens City Council and Athens County Commissioners support Ohio House Bill 148 to ban injection wells.
Injection Well Ban: Is Ohio a “Watchdog or Lapdog”? – Public News Service, 5-30-13: COLUMBUS, Ohio – A new bill in the state Legislature would halt the disposal of toxic fracking waste into injection wells in Ohio. The legislation, House Bill 148, proposed by Reps. Denise Driehaus, D-Cincinnati, and Bob Hagan, D-Youngstown, would ban the use of Class II fracking injection wells. Waste from hydraulic fracturing is toxic and full of unknown chemicals, Hagan said, adding that it is largely unregulated. “The biggest issue is (to) become a watchdog, not a lapdog to the industry,” Hagan said. “I’m not against fracking per se, but I’m certainly concerned about the injection wells and what that may hold for us in 10, 15 years.” More…
Further evidence of injection well-induced seismicity, linking Oklahoma magnitude 5.7 quake to frack waste. New peer-review study published in . From abstract: “…Significantly, this case indicates that decades-long lags between the commencement of fluid injection and the onset of induced earthquakes are possible, and modifies our common criteria for fluid-induced events. The progressive rupture of three fault planes in this sequence suggests that stress changes from the initial rupture triggered the successive earthquakes, including one larger than the first.”
Intentional frack waste dumping proliferates in Ohio: hazardous substances found in rivers from this dumping include benzene, toluene, (from the dumping of as much as 250,000 gallons into a Mahoning River tributary) and “significant concentrations of barium…” (from the 800,000 gallons dumped into Rock Run in Washington County). Federal charges have resulted but the confessed perpetrators walk free. More on Mahoning case at acfan blog post. February 2013
What If: A fracking truck accident we hope never happens, Sandra Sleight-Brennan, 2-13
Athens News 1-10-13: ODNR Director Needs to Explain Double Standard on Injection Wells, P. Cantino Readers’ Forum; ODNR Chief Guilty of Hypocrisy, Ellyn Burnes letter to ed
From the Propublica series: Injection Wells, the Poison Beneath Us, Abrahm Lustgarten, 6-12 (reprinted in Scientific American): Failures are common:
“Regulators say redundant layers of protection usually prevent waste from getting that far, but EPA data shows that in the three years analyzed by ProPublica, more than 7,500 well test failures involved what federal water protection regulations describe as ‘fluid migration’ and ‘significant leaks.'” More… and “Most injection well permits strictly limit the maximum pressure allowed, but well operators — rushing to dispose of more waste in less time — sometimes break the rules, state regulatory inspections show. According to data provided by states to the EPA, deep well operators have been caught exceeding injection pressure limits more than 1,100 times since 2008.
“Excessive pressure factored into a 1989 well failure [in Ohio] that yielded new clues about the risks of injection. More… ,and
“Clefts left after the earth is cracked open to frack for oil and gas also can connect abandoned wells and waste injection zones. How far these man-made fissures go is still the subject of research and debate, but in some cases they have reached as much as a half-mile, even intersecting fractures from neighboring wells.” and “Since 1988, all material resulting from the oil and gas drilling process is considered non-hazardous, regardless of its content or toxicity.” More…
Propublica: The trillion gallon loophole: Lax rules for drillers that inject pollutants, Abrahm Lustgarten, Sept. 2012:
“…Recently, Stark Concerned Citizens, an anti-drilling group, asked Ohio regulators why radioactive materials such as radium weren’t identified or disclosed when injected into Class 2 wells. ‘The law allows it,’ Tom Tomastik, a geologist with Ohio’s Department of Natural Resources and a national expert on injection well regulation, replied in a Sept. 17 email. ‘It does not matter what is in it. As long as it comes from the oil and gas field it can be injected.’” More…
Athens Messenger: For Shame, Mr. Zehringer, R. McGinn letter to ed, 1-11-13
H Cantino letter to J Zehringer 1-6-13
letter to Dir. Zehringer R Groff 1-9-13
sample response letter to ODNR re its response to Atha comments 10-10-12
OIL AND GAS: Caves create long-term water contamination concerns, EnergyWire: The takeaway from the incident for James Goodbar, who leads the Bureau of Land Management’s caves and karst resources program, was that oil wells do fail after a few decades.”
Michele Papai UIC comments re rule changes
PressReleaseEmergencyUICNewRules ODNR Aug. 15, 2012
Injection wells: the hidden risks Propublica June 2012
NBC4 Investigates: What’s In The Drilling Waste Water Traveling Into Ohio?
see other reports at
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