Please ask OEPA for another meeting on the Johnson Run stripmine water degradation permit, still in process, by Monday, Oct. 14, even if you’ve submitted comments previously. And thanks to all who attended and to those who spoke at the hearing this week. It was a great showing of public knowledge and opposition to this sham permitting process.
New language to consider including (see previous post for additional talking points):
Dear Director Stevenson,
Based on new information obtained Monday October 7 at the public hearing where Erin Sherer identified the water quality in Johnson Run as being Exceptional Warm Water Habitat (EWH) and due to the presence of one coldwater fish and seven coldwater macroinvertebrates as OEPA staff emails document, the water quality of Johnson Run cannot be allowed to be lowered to warm water habitat (WWH) as that will be below the attainable and existing use of the stream. This would violate federal antidegradation policy under 40 CFR 131.12.
It is not true that rulemaking must be done to establish designated use before maintaining and protecting the existing use of Johnson Run. EWH is the existing use of the stream ever since the stream was tested and species recorded. It is in the public’s best interest to have another meeting to fully explain and be transparent as to how the EPA will protect the special and unique species in Johnson Run.
A permit must not be granted that would violate federal Antidegradation rules under 40 CFR 131.12.
Send your request and comments to OEPA Director Laurie Stevenson, and please cc and USEPA at Use identification, C.CU, Johnson Run OIL00168*AD .
Thank you!